Friday, September 10, 2010

Bedtime Tonight

So, the last week or so Kaylynn has had somewhat of a hard time going to bed. I got her a night light, but she still turns the light on. If Robert's in his crib and she's still awake, she'll climb in with him and jump up and down and have a jolly good time. Well, tonight wasn't so much an adventure, but it was pretty cute. She had her Elmo doll on her lap while we read stories. I had Robert on one leg and her holding Elmo on the other. Elmo joined us for prayers, hugs and kisses. Kaylynn then got down and put Elmo in bed, covered him with the blankets (she even made sure the sippy was near him) and she said "night night" and grabbed for the door handle to leave with me. I just looked at her. "You need to go to bed, too. It's not just Elmo's bedtime." "No!" she said, and again tucked Elmo in, as if to reiterate to me that Elmo was going to sleep for her by proxy. Well, I put her in bed, said goodnight and left with Robert. She only cried a minute or less and was asleep within 10-15 minutes. When I went back to lay Robert in his crib she was asleep in her bed (many nights this week she's fallen asleep on the floor and I've had to pick her up and put her in bed). She cracks me up.

1 comment:

Polly Blevins said...

That is so cute..and cleaver!