Thursday, September 9, 2010

Aunt Alicia's

Kaylynn loved the Trampoline. She would continually want us to go out and jump with her.

She also enjoyed playing in the little pool and the sprinkler outside

and just swinging

and chillin' like a homegirl

Fortunately for us, our little ones met no major mishaps while we were there. Unfortunately for her kids, the same wasn't true. The short story is... Hallie had her toe run over by a full cart at Costco and had to have the rest of her toe nail (what was still attached) removed by the doctor, and then had gauze stuck to it for a while... Rachel had her finger smashed in the door and had to have a plastic surgeon sew the nail back on and gauze also got stuck to her wound... the next morning, Timmy fell while riding his bike and, amongst a number of bruises and scrapes, had to go in for stitches to his chin. All this in less than a weeks time. We were glad we could stay with the kids while their parents took them to the ER, Urgent Care, Doctors offices. Good thing we were witness that these truly accidents.

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