Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloweem!!

So, after our friends Halloween party last year I determined that if we had a little one this year we were going to be an angel, a devil and our little halfbreed. She has it all... the wing, halo, horns, pitchfork and tail. Cindy helped paint her devilishly angelic nails. Iy was so much fun. I made Brandon and Kaylynn's and we bought the accessories. I had to size Kaylynn's halo down, and was able to make tge wing t00. She was so cute. For the record, she is actually more 90% angel with just about 10% that isn't 100% angel. Couldn't call it devilish, though.


The Rich's said...

Amanda that is the most creative thing ever---good job!!! I love it!

Cannwin said...

ha! I love it... but really I think Brandon should have been the devil. hehehe

Polly Blevins said...

I love the costumes!Great idea